Frequently Asked Questions
What is the mailing address and office phone number for the church?
9917 103rd St
Jacksonville Fl 32210
(904) 771-6723
How can I reach the office staff via email?
Christ Church JAX Anglican
[email protected]
Pastor Matt Kirk
[email protected]
What are the office hours?
Monday through Friday
9AM to 1PM Monday-Thursday
9AM-noon Friday
How is Christ Church affiliated?
We are part of the Anglican Church in North America. Please click on the image below for more information.
Can I give online?
Just click on our Giving page and you can make donations to the General Operating Fund, as well as the EGV - Embracing God’s Vision
What is Anglican?
The Anglican Church is a Historic Worldwide Missionary Church that has its roots in the Church of England. The English historically were known as “Anglos”, therefore, it is the Anglican Church.
We are Historic because we are rooted in over 500 years of faith and practice. We are a church with a rich tradition.
We are Missionary because as England sent out explorers around the world, the Church went out as well, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. That commitment to share Jesus with all people, is at our core.
We are Worldwide because of our missionary zeal. There are some 70 million Anglicans worldwide who we are connected to. We are a part of a big family!
Vision Statement
To Encourage Missional Initiatives and Planting of Congregations; To Strengthen Existing Parishes and Ministries;
To Identify, Train and Deploy Missional Leaders.
To Identify, Train and Deploy Missional Leaders.